
Having free access to RAW camera files from various digital cameras is essential for photographers wanting to make their own decisions about camera purchases and is also essential for learning many digital processes, such as working with Adobe Camera RAW, Lightroom, Aperture and more.

You are welcome to use these to make your own decisions about a camera’s image quality before buying one or to develop your digital skills in Photoshop or whatever software you are using. However you may not republish these files or locate them on any other website. You are welcome to link to them to support any online discussion or articles.

We have also included infrared photography samples from the cameras we have looked at. These have all been shot with a Hoya R-72 infrared pass filter and auto white balance.

Lastly, the download section also hosts free Photoshop action files you are welcome to download and use. At the moment there is only one but we will be adding more over time.

The download files are located over on the Digital ImageMaker World Free RAW Image Files and Photoshop Actions Download Page.

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