Photography Articles at DIMi
Photography is our passion at DIMi. Our major activity, when not running the magazines, is photography. So at DIMi you will find articles on all types of photography, cameras, techniques, detailed tutorials, news, exhibitions, reviews and more. On DIMi we cover digital photography and all photography that can serve as an inspiration. Over on AIM ( we cover film, analog photography, alternative processes and more.
You can access our specific photography-related pages via the photography menu at the top of the page, but we’d like to draw your attention to what we cover.
Photography News
Photography Techniques
Camera Equipment News
Camera Equipment Reviews
Photographer Profiles and Site Reviews
Photography and Related Areas Book Reviews
The Web’s Leading Coverage of Infrared Photography
Specific Areas of Photography: Landscape, Macro, Fine Art Photography
Our approach is to use our strengths and happily point to other people on the web and in print who are doing great things that extend and add to what we do. So in our reviews we don’t try to cover the same ground as DPreview , for example (frankly all that detail would bore us to tears), rather we cover areas where we disagree or areas where we specialise in, such as image noise.
Our companion site, Digital ImageMaker Gallery, holds galleries by leading photographers and digital artists.