Finally the combination of teaching commitments and bad weather gave me a break and let me get out with my modified GigaPan Epic motorized panorama platform and my converted for infrared photography Canon 350D.
A trip to visit my mother was combined with an afternoon of photography in the area immediately surrounding the You Yangs in Victoria, Australia.
Since the current GigaPan software does not support RAW files, I shot both RAW and JPEGs and used the JPEGs for these panoramas. I now have some RAW capable panorama stitching software and so will be using that on the RAW images over the next week or so. Stay tuned.
The day was very windy. This cause some issues with a couple of the panoramas. One thing I highly recommend is removing the camera strap from your camera when using it on the GigaPan in any sort of wind.
So here are some of the resulting panoramas and in some cases a 100% section.
I am happy with the resulting panoramas. Some I will revisit in RAW. The results are very large infrared images. These images have not been processed as much as I will with the RAW versions. For example, I have left some artifacts visible that in the final versions I will clean up.

Wayne, Looks like you have an exhibition in the making. I think the vertical/portrait images are very worthwhile. Cheers/Richard
Wayne, these are stunning!
Wayne, these are stunning!